2 de los productores de smallville responderan a preguntas de fans en tvguide proximamaente, solo permiten 2 preguntas x usuario y que no sean sobre el status de los actores de cara a la proxima temporada
the next new episode, "Stiletto," arrives April 23 — executive producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders have offered to field some questions from TVGuide.com readers.
So ask away, keeping in mind the following important notes:
1. A maximum of two questions per user name will be considered.
2. As a matter of policy, the producers will not answer questions relating to an actor's contract status — and, pay attention now, that includes episode counts past, present or future.
3. I'm closing the doors on this solicitation Friday, April 10, at 8pm/ET.
se envian las preguntas en esa url (hay que estar registrado of course) asi que pa quien le interese ya sabe