Esto esya un choteo donde dije digo digo diego xD, ahora dice que no vuelve
Rosenbaum Says "I'm Not Coming Back"
Michael Rosenbaum has conducted an interview with Michael Rosenbaum to discuss his role as the voice of Deadman on "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" animated series. During the interview they asked him about his role as Lex Luthor on "Smallville"...
So, you're taking a break from Smallville at the moment. Do you miss the series? Are you interested in returning or seeing Luthor return to said series (or, as many fans have theorized, is your character already back)? A break?
I don't think anyone has really let the idea that I'm not coming back actually sink in. I find it flattering. Do I miss the series? I miss the people. I will always cherish the fun times I had on the set of Smallville.
Now, many fans consider you the definitive Lex Luthor, and the definitive voice of Flash. How do you feel about that?
I'll take that compliment all day long. Are you kidding me? I have the best fans. I don't know how many I have, but they're certainly the most loyal and sincere fans out there. The fact that they are putting me in the same category as Gene Hackman... baffles me. But I'll take it.
el resto de la entrevista aqui
fuente supermanhomepage
Lo dicho como el no vuelva y la que no debe ser nombrada si, aqui arderá troya xD